So the Rudai 23 project team have met, talked things through, and have decided to reschedule the next badge, Critical Thinker, until January 2018. That will mean also pushing back the fourth badge, Engaged Professional to February 2018.
We’ll be starting with the first Thing of the Critical Thinking badge on January 13, which is Thing 14 Personal Information Management and then proceed from there, with the course carrying on through January and February.
The revised dates for each Thing will be inputted into the Rudai 23 Google Calendar to help you keep on track.
The revised dates for the next part of the course are as follows:
Thing 14 : Personal Information Management - 13 January 2018
Thing 15: Evaluating Information - 20 January 2018
Thing 16: Your Digital Footprint - 27 January 2018
Thing 17: Sharing Your Work - 3 February 2018
Thing 18: Reflective Practice - 5 February 2018
Thing 19: Podcasts - 10 February 2018
Thing 20: Advocacy - 17 February 2018
Thing 21: Professional Organisations - 24 February 2018
Thing 22: Reflective Practice - 26 February 2018
Thing 23: Career Development Roundup - 3 March 2018
So as of November 28, there is another break! Take some time to think, to try out the tools from the first two badges, and of course, some time to just rest and enjoy the holiday season. We'll be continuing to monitor your blog posts, as well as our email and social networks (Twitter and Facebook). Get in touch anytime if you needed an assist with something!
We look forward to everyone’s reflections on being an Online Networker, and then carrying on with the course in the New Year.